About the Blogger


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About the Blogger
19 October 2012 Guilherme Monteiro article Open in New Tab How to create a blog , Information , Paulo Guilherme , Social Networking 5 comments

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Due to the social nature, human beings, throughout their history, relationships depended on to live in the community and thus transform the world. Today, social networking sites have become extremely important since they are the primary means by which people interact daily. In addition to universalize access to them, we also know that new environment in which we act.

An example of this is Blogger, a sharing tool that belongs to the universe Google since 2003, who came to bring that open access to the network Internet. With the arrival of Blogger, many people no longer know only the personal world, and started to share ideas with others, often anonymous. Many of its users use it as a "virtual diary" where they talk about their interests, events, mostly information and their relationships.

Besides texts, Blogger offers an infinite series of cozy layout customization for those who visit the site. This movement begins with visual templates and essential gadgets, and of course the customization for HTML that is by many seen as a puzzle code.
Already very common nowadays do a search in Google directory, and find an article or a share that has as domain: blogspot.com, with posts made by users who have passion, or even a job on the internet. Can you find a site or blog is that Blogger and do not know that it is owned by the network because you find it a customization tool address (URL) of your profile weblog.

Amid such ease of access and free public access virtual, Blogger users who have the enjoyment for malicious purposes. But Content Policies are always available for those who want to create a profile, and should be read carefully to ensure that they will not have consequences of the lowest, the highest under the rules.

Blogger is a great tool for talking to other people, a little more about you. It is very easy to use, endless ways to customize, convenient and fast. If you are thinking of creating a blog, and want to interact with the virtual audience, start by Blogger. It's free and you will have good yields