Avail the Best Time: Organize Your Day and Be More Productive

Organize your day is fundamental to work better and be more productive so stop for a few minutes to plan or organize ideas simply is not a waste of time. Work with blogs should be seen as any kind of job or career. The main paths to success are organization and dedication. Precisely why make an assessment on how to use your time and what better ways to enjoy your day.

Have you heard about the Pareto Principle or Law which is also known as the 80-20 rule? Explaining briefly this principle states that 80% of the consequences depend 20% of causes, for example:
20% of salespeople earn more than 80% of commissions
20% of customers generate more than 80% of the profits of any business

Then see if you can apply it to your blog and start spending more time on what really gives results, for example, is that 20% of your blog posts are responsible for over 80% of their visits and gains on the internet ? Probably yes, then answer the question: what are the issues that generate more visitors to your blog ? And spend more time to devote to these topics that generate more visits or even improve older posts that receive many visitors.

For bloggers the main job is to produce content, ie, create new posts, but do not limit your thinking to make a new post is to write a text and put a picture on the blog . This task of creating posts is especially important and you should research and learn more about what is going to write this book for a while just for that and not get distracted by anything!

For example, in preparing his new posting period not answer email or comments, do not be online on facebook chat, MSN, Skype or any other instant communication. That's because if interrupted at the wrong time can lose some great idea or lose their concentration on the subject he was writing and those are things that hinder much.

This post is already too long, but soon this issue will continue talking about how to leverage the ideas that arise throughout the day to always have what to write on the blog and thus avoid the problem of lack of subject for new posts. And of course please leave a comment with your opinion or suggestion on the topic. Hugs and until next time.


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