What are Top Issues for Blogs: What Makes More Success

Choosing a good topic for your blog is important, but you should think about something like that and not be just looking for what is the best topic to get many visitors and be successful on the Internet quickly, but we talked about it in more detail in our article: What better theme to create a blog .

Today we do know about with matters which are best for making posts within the theme you have chosen for your blog, but find out which issues are most successful on the blog and so have interesting ideas for new posts to your blog.

Let's talk about how to analyze your blog posts using Google analytics is one of the best free hit counters that currently exists, check on the Integration of Google Analytics on Blogger . But once you have the counter on your blog page in between statistics Analytics click the menu item and then the content of the site content> pages.

Here you can use the search box to find posts you want, for example, did the test by looking for word images. Here we can easily organize with one click posts by page views, unique page views, average time on site, bounce rate, output percentage.

You should consider all this information, for example, as you can see in the picture above item 3 has almost the same amount of hits that item 4, but the time people were on each page is different (item 3 almost 4 minutes while the other just over a minute), ie for our next posts is interesting to evaluate the item 3 to know what made people stay much longer on this page than the other.

This example of evaluating the posting based on time spent on the site can be used with any metric analytics, eg bounce rate lower or lower percentage of output. Of course we should always take into consideration the number of visits that page.

Another way to evaluate the success of each subject is telling the shares on social networks (or enjoy likes, retweet and others), we talked about how to measure clicks on buttons on social networking tutorial: Statistics Sharing Buttons - Like, Retweet, Other +1 and that can also be done with Google analytics. After all this is a good indication of what people who visit your blog and share more love and certainly this will help get your blog to be more successful.

These are just some basics on how to find out what makes success on your blog and what topics your readers most enjoy, but if better exploit the statistics of your blog and have attention to the reactions of your visitors will not improve very blog. What did you think of this tutorial? And you have some other way to know what is best for the blog? Related Posts with Thumbnails


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