Whence came the visitors of the blog? Web Search, Images or Mobile

ou can tell where it comes from visits your blog and thus measure their organic search results in Google to see whether the origin of the visits are searches of web, image search or mobile. Moreover, you can know your position in the search results of Google for each keyword or keywords used in searches. And use filters to show only the words that generate more visitors to your blog.

Tool Tips for Webmasters

All this is done with the Webmaster Tools page into the Google search queries. The functioning of this page is very simple you click the filters and choose which you want to use filters to refine the results to better understand the origin of the visits and make better use of information on your blog .

You can even choose which criteria the list of statistics is sorted by clicking on the words: consultation, impressions, clicks, CTR, average position that appear at the beginning of the list just below the graph.

Filters Statistics Keywords

Beyond what we have said above you can still filter the statistics of visits by country, or select to display only the data of word combinations that generated more than 10 visits so enjoy the information on this page to improve your posts understand what issues people seek on your blog. Related Posts with Thumbnails


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