Tutorial Image Magnify

Magnify image is one of the distinctive impression that use of the images posted in the entry for mencantikkan sesebuah It was more unique and make Siwak ² compared to see another picture.

Sample images are applied to magnify this image may be found below

Here is a tutorial to magnify this image.

1) Copy the code below and place it in HTML / javascript in your blog.
(The dashboard> layout> add page element> HTML / javascript)
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="http://www.yourjavascript.com/610310434009/unwanted86.blogspot.com.js" type="text/javascript">

2) Then, Save the code

Next, is the code you need to put together with the url you want to post pictures in the blog .. (just need to put the code base once. Code is required to make under the effect of the picture.)
<img src="url files here" class="magnify" data-magnifyby="2" style="width:200px; height:150px cursor: url(magnify.cur), -moz-zoom-in; " />
  • url files here: Enter the picture url.
  • 2: Scale expansion. Depending on the width and height. Values ​​greater than 1 will enlarge the picture, a value of less than one will reduce the picture examples 0.5
  • 200: Enter the width of the picture that you think is appropriate
  • 150: Add high-image that you feel appropriate


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