Ethics on the Internet: Behavior of Bloggers

Many people ask about how to remove the link from the creator of the code that is below some gadgets they think this or other blogs and websites, others want to know how to get a code for a radio or music from another online site and various other things . But before you think it is possible to do this we must remember that it is necessary to maintain ethics and good behavior on the Internet.

The problem is to do those things we should not do this because we are violating someone creating or using them improperly. For example, those codes that have the link just below the service as ( Linkwithin - Issues ) can be removed, but we should not because it is the right of those who developed the code to put your link along with the accessory created.

Another issue is getting the player code from websites that do not provide this code, that is another thing we should not do anyway if the website owner wanted that other sites use their music players certainly put the code so easy to pick up as Youtube videos. Put on music blog Browse Video Lecture: Putting music on the blog .

Copies of Template, and other Plagio Stealing content
When it comes to copy (steal) other things seems that the internet is a party, but after the Panda update to Google it seems that this will improve at least a little. Besides the aspects of punishment is a total lack of shame want to use things made ​​by other people as their own, so if someone copies your stuff make the complaints that plagiarists will be punished: Report the plagiarists, it works!

Apart from copies of content is also possible to report the publication of personal information, defamation, prejudice and other things, read more about it here: Report illegal to blogger

These are some things that are possible but we should not do. Many claim that the internet is a network of computers, but it is actually a network of people who use computers and the rules of social life must be respected because we do not do everything that is possible in our day to day on the streets where we live, then we stop and think about what is right or wrong on the internet too. Related Posts with Thumbnails


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