Bloggers: The New Micro Entrepreneurs

Bloggers have a lot of micro entrepreneurs, after all begins as a micro business? Most often a good idea and will change your life, make money working for yourself. Today let's talk about four successful people who are great examples for all entrepreneurs, not just for bloggers.

And when creating a micro enterprise as choosing the product that we produce? It is best to start with something we know and do not master the techniques at least have good ideas of how to make the product or service.

Now this idea of ​​bringing business to the blogosphere and the main theme of this site: to help improve the blogs and bloggers. Create a blog about something you enjoy so you will find it easier to talk and learn more about this theme. See more about treating the blog as a business in other posts already published:

Today we just want to let loose some phrases and ideas in the air for you to think about your life as a blogger, note that you must have found it strange to speak on life as a blogger, but nobody is surprised the term professional life.

Steve Jobs died this week certainly the world and especially Apple had a great loss recently (and accidentally) read a book about him and a party that caught my eye is one of the phrases from Steve Jobs: Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world? . My first thought when reading this is that if it is to do what you all do not need to exist, so always do your best

But let's not talk only to people outside of Brazil, we have great examples of achievement and success here.

Silvio Santos: a camel owner turned television, tv certainly a lot of work in this way and many challenges, but he did not give up along the way. Also, what caught my attention was the interview Silvio Santos in commemoration of 30 years of SBT, an auditorium full of people dressed well, everyone knew that these images become public and the main character (Silvio Santos) was in shorts and slipper as if at home on a day off.

The courage to be simple and not know who need to prove anything to anyone but himself undoubtedly make all the difference, here's an excerpt from the interview in the video below certainly has very interesting lessons in it.

President Lula, I will not get into political issues if you like or dislike the Lula and his party, but a man who came to Sao Paulo fleeing poverty, uneducated and came to the President of the Republic is certainly an example of life and resilience and persistence in life. And speaking of president when Paulo Henrique Amorim interviewed José de Alencar and talked about his battle with cancer he says he has no fear, see the excerpt:

Paulo Henrique Amorim: A rum mining, is not it? (Laughs). And if the doctor comes and says this: "Dr. José Alencar, you have a few days of life. " And there?

José Alencar: I do not believe him because who knows is God. I usually say if God wants to take me, He does not need it for cancer. If He did not want me to go, however, there is no cancer that takes me. And I'm suspicious that he did not want me to go now not. (Laughs).

I know that today's text did not say exactly for bloggers or shown how to do something on the blog, but are behaviors of successful people who have made a difference in the world and certainly have many things to learn from them not only how to succeed in life, but that not always the most important thing is money, but having personal satisfaction, be happy.


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