5 Tips to Help Release Blogs

There are several ways to publicize blog and get more visits but is well you are taking advantage of these opportunities to your blog? Let's talk about tips disclosure blog just by adding or modifying some gadgets to increase the number of visits.

1 - Getting more subscribers Feed (RSS)
When we talk about feed feedburner soon we remember, but the important thing is to put the feed link in a visible place on your blog because most people will not be looking for it on your page.

2 - Send Updates by Email
This feature is also done with Feedburner and certainly worth it, because visitors they receive new posts in your email visit your blog more often and have more chances to display your blog to other people, after all they would not if they had not joined the finding your content interesting.

3 - Add Blog to iGoogle and Google Reader
This is a simple accessory that can help you achieve more disclosure, allowing people to add your blog to iGoogle or Google Reader with one click. And the best that is just a small picture on your web blog and leaves no slower.

4 - Add Gadget Button in Blogger (Add to Blogger)
This is a code that allows you to show a button for those who wish to add your banner, link or some other code in just one click, or click the button to the right person will have to add the page to choose which gadget blog add gadget with the content that you chose. Take the quiz by clicking the image below:

5 - Best Use of Internet Social Networks - Social Media
Everyone talks about having more visits from social networks, but you should take some care not to repeat the same text at all when you publicize your post. And also show sharing buttons after all better than you advertise your blog is to let people who like it do so also.

We've talked separately for each of these tips to increase visits the blog, but we gather interesting all the same post, so you can compare your options and decide whether to do some testing with them to improve the performance of your blog.

We know that there are other ways, but that's just a hint of where to begin to create a successful blog on the internet , so let your opinion saying about any other way to release that works on your blog. And we talk about here, do you use any of them? What do you think gives the best result? Related Posts with Thumbnails


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