Basic Settings Should Know by Blogger

For a blog, is one of the important settings to determine how to display, and treatment-related behavior with a blog.

Among the matters relating to the setting of a blog is the blog title, how many entries, one can comment, etc which will be described below.

View to setting of a blog is as follows.

For these entries, covering basic settings, formatting and publishing. This is because three of these can be considered the most important settings for a blog. Some basic settings that need to be known by a blogger is as follows.

Title: Title will be shown at the top of the browser when a blog is open.

Description: In relation to what the content of a blog. Can be inserted up to 500 characters. Example blog tutorial, tutorials blog in Malay, tutorials, etc for all concerned. If a personal blog can be ignored or put almost just like my life, this is my story, etc.

Show: number of entries to display cover. not too much. Usually 5 to 10 to speed up loading the entire blog.

Date header format: Less important, can choose any suitable value.

Archive index date format: the format will be shown for what is typed in a blog in over a month

Timestamp format: Less important, may take any suitable value.

Time zone: It is important to make sure the correct position for the time. If you are somewhere else can select that it should.

Language: English (can also select malay, but proposed to facilitate the english as most are familiar with the words in the world of blogging ² english)

Comments: Show - If there were those who submit comments, comments will appear under the entry.

Who can comment: This depends on the blog owner. If you select anyone, anyone can post a comment. If you select a registered user, only those who have a blog / id that can comment.

Comment form placement: Ranking the comments to an entry. Familiarity blogger will choose whether pop-up window or embedded below post. However, not all template can be used embeded below post.

Comment moderation: Depending on the blog owner. If you want to comment visitors continue to appear, select never. But if you want comments from visitors 'filtered' by the owner first blog, select always.

Show word verification for comments: Select No. Due to the presence verificationbiasanya word will menyusahan visitors. Except for cases of particular ² if too much spam (in Malaysia ni rare thing)


Setting for a blog can be changed at any time in accordance with the blog owner.
However, it is important to try to keep the settings made ​​for ease of bloggers and also visitors.


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