How To Make Moving Image (Scrolling Image)

Creating a scrolling image can give differing views presented versus static images. Most of the scrolling image is applied by sesetengah blogs that have listings list in the form of images such as banners or get a tag than other bloggers.

The following example is the scrolling image.

The movement of each image can be changed samada from left to right, bottom to top and vice versa. Besides speed of movement of each image can also be guarded.

Examples of code for scrolling image is as follows.

<marquee direction="left" onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()" scrollamount="2" width="150" height="200">

<a href="link" target="_blank"><img src="url" /></a>
<a href="link" target="_blank"><img src="url" /></a>


Direction of the image: may be exchanged for up, down and right.
Speed ​​of movement of the image: number may be exchanged for another. The higher the value of the rate.
link to be opened: link is about to be opened when the image is clicked.
url image: url image about to be exhibited.

1. If you want to add more pictures, just copy paste the 
<a href="link" target="_blank"><img src="url" /></a>


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