5 Tips to Help Release Blogs

There are several ways to publicize blog and get more visits but is well you are taking advantage of these opportunities to your blog? Let's talk about tips disclosure blog just by adding or modifying some gadgets to increase the number of visits.

1 - Getting more subscribers Feed (RSS)
When we talk about feed feedburner soon we remember, but the important thing is to put the feed link in a visible place on your blog because most people will not be looking for it on your page.

2 - Send Updates by Email
This feature is also done with Feedburner and certainly worth it, because visitors they receive new posts in your email visit your blog more often and have more chances to display your blog to other people, after all they would not if they had not joined the finding your content interesting.

3 - Add Blog to iGoogle and Google Reader
This is a simple accessory that can help you achieve more disclosure, allowing people to add your blog to iGoogle or Google Reader with one click. And the best that is just a small picture on your web blog and leaves no slower.

4 - Add Gadget Button in Blogger (Add to Blogger)
This is a code that allows you to show a button for those who wish to add your banner, link or some other code in just one click, or click the button to the right person will have to add the page to choose which gadget blog add gadget with the content that you chose. Take the quiz by clicking the image below:

5 - Best Use of Internet Social Networks - Social Media
Everyone talks about having more visits from social networks, but you should take some care not to repeat the same text at all when you publicize your post. And also show sharing buttons after all better than you advertise your blog is to let people who like it do so also.

We've talked separately for each of these tips to increase visits the blog, but we gather interesting all the same post, so you can compare your options and decide whether to do some testing with them to improve the performance of your blog.

We know that there are other ways, but that's just a hint of where to begin to create a successful blog on the internet , so let your opinion saying about any other way to release that works on your blog. And we talk about here, do you use any of them? What do you think gives the best result? Related Posts with Thumbnails

Ethics on the Internet: Behavior of Bloggers

Many people ask about how to remove the link from the creator of the code that is below some gadgets they think this or other blogs and websites, others want to know how to get a code for a radio or music from another online site and various other things . But before you think it is possible to do this we must remember that it is necessary to maintain ethics and good behavior on the Internet.

The problem is to do those things we should not do this because we are violating someone creating or using them improperly. For example, those codes that have the link just below the service as ( Linkwithin - Issues ) can be removed, but we should not because it is the right of those who developed the code to put your link along with the accessory created.

Another issue is getting the player code from websites that do not provide this code, that is another thing we should not do anyway if the website owner wanted that other sites use their music players certainly put the code so easy to pick up as Youtube videos. Put on music blog Browse Video Lecture: Putting music on the blog .

Copies of Template, and other Plagio Stealing content
When it comes to copy (steal) other things seems that the internet is a party, but after the Panda update to Google it seems that this will improve at least a little. Besides the aspects of punishment is a total lack of shame want to use things made ​​by other people as their own, so if someone copies your stuff make the complaints that plagiarists will be punished: Report the plagiarists, it works!

Apart from copies of content is also possible to report the publication of personal information, defamation, prejudice and other things, read more about it here: Report illegal to blogger

These are some things that are possible but we should not do. Many claim that the internet is a network of computers, but it is actually a network of people who use computers and the rules of social life must be respected because we do not do everything that is possible in our day to day on the streets where we live, then we stop and think about what is right or wrong on the internet too. Related Posts with Thumbnails

Bloggers: The New Micro Entrepreneurs

Bloggers have a lot of micro entrepreneurs, after all begins as a micro business? Most often a good idea and will change your life, make money working for yourself. Today let's talk about four successful people who are great examples for all entrepreneurs, not just for bloggers.

And when creating a micro enterprise as choosing the product that we produce? It is best to start with something we know and do not master the techniques at least have good ideas of how to make the product or service.

Now this idea of ​​bringing business to the blogosphere and the main theme of this site: to help improve the blogs and bloggers. Create a blog about something you enjoy so you will find it easier to talk and learn more about this theme. See more about treating the blog as a business in other posts already published:

Today we just want to let loose some phrases and ideas in the air for you to think about your life as a blogger, note that you must have found it strange to speak on life as a blogger, but nobody is surprised the term professional life.

Steve Jobs died this week certainly the world and especially Apple had a great loss recently (and accidentally) read a book about him and a party that caught my eye is one of the phrases from Steve Jobs: Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world? . My first thought when reading this is that if it is to do what you all do not need to exist, so always do your best

But let's not talk only to people outside of Brazil, we have great examples of achievement and success here.

Silvio Santos: a camel owner turned television, tv certainly a lot of work in this way and many challenges, but he did not give up along the way. Also, what caught my attention was the interview Silvio Santos in commemoration of 30 years of SBT, an auditorium full of people dressed well, everyone knew that these images become public and the main character (Silvio Santos) was in shorts and slipper as if at home on a day off.

The courage to be simple and not know who need to prove anything to anyone but himself undoubtedly make all the difference, here's an excerpt from the interview in the video below certainly has very interesting lessons in it.

President Lula, I will not get into political issues if you like or dislike the Lula and his party, but a man who came to Sao Paulo fleeing poverty, uneducated and came to the President of the Republic is certainly an example of life and resilience and persistence in life. And speaking of president when Paulo Henrique Amorim interviewed José de Alencar and talked about his battle with cancer he says he has no fear, see the excerpt:

Paulo Henrique Amorim: A rum mining, is not it? (Laughs). And if the doctor comes and says this: "Dr. José Alencar, you have a few days of life. " And there?

José Alencar: I do not believe him because who knows is God. I usually say if God wants to take me, He does not need it for cancer. If He did not want me to go, however, there is no cancer that takes me. And I'm suspicious that he did not want me to go now not. (Laughs).

I know that today's text did not say exactly for bloggers or shown how to do something on the blog, but are behaviors of successful people who have made a difference in the world and certainly have many things to learn from them not only how to succeed in life, but that not always the most important thing is money, but having personal satisfaction, be happy.

Counter Visitors Online Analytics

The hit counter Google Analytics statistics began to show in real time how many counters are already online visitors, for example, the whos.amung.us ( Show Number of visitors Online Blog ). This has already been published on the official Google Analytics on 29/09/2011: What's happening on your site right now? ( What's happening on your site right now? ). It took us to talk about it because the release of this visitor counter Realtime Analytics was released gradually and most users could not see it on your dashboard.

Google Analytics shows number of visitors online

To see visitors who are online at the blog using Analytics enter the homepage and click in real time on the left menu and you can follow the live blog statistics.

This menu has some options online information about visitors of your blog such as place of origin of visitors (name of country), traffic sources, content (which pages are being visited at that time).

Although online counters are interesting data to see mostly because we know what happens at that moment that you should not serve to make decisions about your blog, after all we need to understand what people do on our blog in general and not just this time.

We did a test putting the meter in real time who's amung blog to compare the statistics and made a difference that varies a bit but always hit counter analytics showed less than who's amung as you can see in the images below that was a screen print which showed a counter 60 and the other 94 guests online.
difference between the hit counters

The difference between the hit counters can be explained by several reasons like counter reading the blog in html, counting system for each site (analytics and whos'amung), length of stay of each visitor to the blog and other things, but this are things that are not under our control so there's no way to correct this difference. We hope you enjoy this option more statistics about your blog.

What are Top Issues for Blogs: What Makes More Success

Choosing a good topic for your blog is important, but you should think about something like that and not be just looking for what is the best topic to get many visitors and be successful on the Internet quickly, but we talked about it in more detail in our article: What better theme to create a blog .

Today we do know about with matters which are best for making posts within the theme you have chosen for your blog, but find out which issues are most successful on the blog and so have interesting ideas for new posts to your blog.

Let's talk about how to analyze your blog posts using Google analytics is one of the best free hit counters that currently exists, check on the Integration of Google Analytics on Blogger . But once you have the counter on your blog page in between statistics Analytics click the menu item and then the content of the site content> pages.

Here you can use the search box to find posts you want, for example, did the test by looking for word images. Here we can easily organize with one click posts by page views, unique page views, average time on site, bounce rate, output percentage.

You should consider all this information, for example, as you can see in the picture above item 3 has almost the same amount of hits that item 4, but the time people were on each page is different (item 3 almost 4 minutes while the other just over a minute), ie for our next posts is interesting to evaluate the item 3 to know what made people stay much longer on this page than the other.

This example of evaluating the posting based on time spent on the site can be used with any metric analytics, eg bounce rate lower or lower percentage of output. Of course we should always take into consideration the number of visits that page.

Another way to evaluate the success of each subject is telling the shares on social networks (or enjoy likes, retweet and others), we talked about how to measure clicks on buttons on social networking tutorial: Statistics Sharing Buttons - Like, Retweet, Other +1 and that can also be done with Google analytics. After all this is a good indication of what people who visit your blog and share more love and certainly this will help get your blog to be more successful.

These are just some basics on how to find out what makes success on your blog and what topics your readers most enjoy, but if better exploit the statistics of your blog and have attention to the reactions of your visitors will not improve very blog. What did you think of this tutorial? And you have some other way to know what is best for the blog? Related Posts with Thumbnails

Ask your Doubts about Blogs: 13 Tips to Improve Your Blog

This is a list of 13 tips to help improve your blog. Here's how: fix broken links, better use of meta tags and SEO techniques (optimization of websites and blogs), tips to promote your facebook page, best ad placements adsense blog, make an animated banner, how to succeed as a blogger and various other tips to help your blog.

How to Ensure Success has a Blog on the Internet? Is it possible to be sure that a blog will succeed on the internet? Of course it is necessary work and dedication, but surely the internet is a great opportunity for everyone to succeed and make money from blogs and websites.

As the Center on Ads by Google Adsense Blog : Here's how to modify the alignment of the Google ads on your blog, so you can adjust the position of the best ads to your template.

Hide bookmarks and Customize the Bookmarks Menu Blog : Here's how to do when people enter the page through a bookmark on your blog this marker does not appear in the menu (gadget markers).

Create Animated Banner with Recent Blog Posts : FeedBurner has several models animated banners with your blog posts ready for you to use, so here's how to use this banner to advertise your blog.

You Accompany Statistics and Earnings Guest Blog? Research on the frequency that people look at the statistics of the blog. See our poll which has received more than 230 votes.

Placing Google Adsense Ads between Posts Blogger : Use the ads between posts can be a great way to earn more money with your blog, after all who read the post and comes to an end it is interested in your site and are more likely to click on ads. This is one of the ad placements suggested by adsense.

Place Pop Up to Promote Facebook Fan Page on Blogger : Make a pop up with your facebook fan page can help you get more followers to your page and generate more disclosure on the social network.

Change the address (url) of Blogspot for each Country Domain : Read about the change in address of the blogger who now has fields in each country and it scared some people when the address changed to blogspot.com.br

Find and Fix Broken Links in Blogger and WordPress : Solve the problem with wrong links on your blog can help a lot in developing your blog, after all many people when you click a link that does not work simply close the window and go to another site. Then check the broken links on your blog and not miss why visits.

Improves SEO Blogger Resources (Custom Search Preferences) : The changes and improvements were many blogger lately and recent modifications you can customize your error page (404) and other news related to search engine optimization (SEO) are showing that this year will be very good for the blogger.

Put description on each Post Blogger - Meta Tags Use : Use custom description and tags in blog posts can help improve your positioning in Google results and other search sites. This is a relatively easy thing to do and gives good results.

How to use and what is Redirection Page (url) Blogger : Redirect pages is very useful to prevent people from entering the error page (not found) from your blog. With this new blogger you can choose which page the visitor will be taken if any page that you deleted.

Do not Allow Your Blog Open Within a Frame or Iframe : The image search results from Google and some other sites show your blog within an iframe, but if you want you can prevent this by putting a javascript in your page.

These tips have been posted on this blog last month and this is a kind of summary of March, so besides your opinion of the tips or questions about your blog would like to ask what you think of this idea to make a list every month with posts from the previous month. We should continue or not publish summaries of these tips every month?

To Serve a Blog? So what is a Blog and What is its Usefulness

There are millions of blogs, but the reason of creating a blog? To which he serves or usefulness each person found to make a blog? These are good questions that most bloggers already answered himself up unconsciously. But the Internet and blogs are increasingly professional and as we talked about today blogs are like micro enterprises (read more about Your Company Blog is one! ), so let's do a poll to know what prompted you to create your blog.

duvidas sobre blogs

What is the purpose of your blog?
I like to write and get feedback from others
I intend to publish my work (selling products, getting customers)
Earn money online with Adsense and other affiliate
I have a blog because many people have and think it's cool
I have a blog

In addition to this already published several other Banquettes sober Blogs For example:
What is the Age of Bloggers?
How long you are blogger?

There are so many explanations about what and how is a blog that can get lost in them, but generally the idea is to release something (product reviews) or even personal disclosure in the case of blogs or political blogs for freelancers demonstrate your knowledge about something and can provide services to companies and individuals and of course there are those who just want to have some fun.

But leave your opinion in our comments saying what was the motivation that made you create your blog, how long you are blogger. And of course can help to give an explanation of what a blog is. Hugs to all!

Checking and Correcting Common Errors and Problems in Blogs

How to improve the blog and get more visits this theme is a much sought after when it comes to blogs, but besides looking for new accessories, SEO techniques and mass media should also remember that one way to improve your blog is to correct the errors that exist in blog and often these troubles blog are created by the passage of time, eg, broken links to sites or pages that no longer exist. So let's talk about some checks that you should make to your blog.

What is More Important in a Blog?

Check Broken Links Blog
We talked about the Broken Link Checker that works very well to find broken links on the blog allowing you to correct these errors on your site, but depending on how many pages of your blog this can be long so we suggest you do a little at a time until fix all those links wrong or missing.

Images do not appear on Blog
In most cases this problem comes down to two possibilities: wrong address or HTML image with an error. The code is an image link like this:

<a href='http://www.example.com.br/' title target="_blank""blog tips"> <img border = "0" height = "60" width = "120" /> </ a>

Any sign missing or left gives error and does not show the image on your blog. A common mistake is to mix the signals 'and', ie have to use the same sign in the whole code.

Indexing Errors Blog
The reason may be setting in your Google webmaster tools and also over time your older posts are no longer indexed so check here Indexing all pages on Google .

And also check on the Indexing Errors Blog - Restricted by robots.txt

Problems with Template Blog
Another common mistake many bloggers lose is the template for not making a backup before editing the HTML Blogger so simple as to be the change that you make in your HTML worth saving a copy of your template before you start

Of course there are other issues that we can fix the blog, but this is a start and can improve navigation on your site and your visitors so please so if you think you need to change or improve things in the blog knows assess what problems more serious to fix them first. So leave your opinion on this issue or suggestion of another common mistake you see on blogs and websites you visit. Hugs and success!

Avail the Best Time: Organize Your Day and Be More Productive

Organize your day is fundamental to work better and be more productive so stop for a few minutes to plan or organize ideas simply is not a waste of time. Work with blogs should be seen as any kind of job or career. The main paths to success are organization and dedication. Precisely why make an assessment on how to use your time and what better ways to enjoy your day.

Have you heard about the Pareto Principle or Law which is also known as the 80-20 rule? Explaining briefly this principle states that 80% of the consequences depend 20% of causes, for example:
20% of salespeople earn more than 80% of commissions
20% of customers generate more than 80% of the profits of any business

Then see if you can apply it to your blog and start spending more time on what really gives results, for example, is that 20% of your blog posts are responsible for over 80% of their visits and gains on the internet ? Probably yes, then answer the question: what are the issues that generate more visitors to your blog ? And spend more time to devote to these topics that generate more visits or even improve older posts that receive many visitors.

For bloggers the main job is to produce content, ie, create new posts, but do not limit your thinking to make a new post is to write a text and put a picture on the blog . This task of creating posts is especially important and you should research and learn more about what is going to write this book for a while just for that and not get distracted by anything!

For example, in preparing his new posting period not answer email or comments, do not be online on facebook chat, MSN, Skype or any other instant communication. That's because if interrupted at the wrong time can lose some great idea or lose their concentration on the subject he was writing and those are things that hinder much.

This post is already too long, but soon this issue will continue talking about how to leverage the ideas that arise throughout the day to always have what to write on the blog and thus avoid the problem of lack of subject for new posts. And of course please leave a comment with your opinion or suggestion on the topic. Hugs and until next time.

Create a page on your blog on Google+

Create pages on social networks is a great way to advertise your blog or content and attract more readers. But mostly show your work to other users. And today I will be showing you how to create a page on Google+ which is the second largest social network in the world, as indicated by GlobalWebIndex .

Nothing better that indicate to you the best blog Google+ Tips I know! ;-)

The Tips Google+ began in 2012 with the goal of bringing basic and advanced tips about Google's social network. Aims to bring users to Google+, a better experience on the network and make the most of the resources that may be offered.

Tutotrial Make Background In Entry

Background of a post normally will follow the default settings specified in blogger. But there is one trick that can be used to make different background required for entry only.

Tutorial to make a background for the post is so easy.

Click Here to see the sample

What's the great thing is, you can select whatever image you want for background, and you can choose to be put in the post for which one for your blog.

When you login to your blog, put this code in your new post. (make sure when this code is paste, your new post in the 'edit html'
<div style="background:url(url picture/image) no-repeat;">
Your article content here</div>

That's it.
When you post you will see the effects.

p / s:
-make sure you select the suitable background that visitors are not dizzy reading your blog.

Disable Right Click for Blogspot

Why Should Disable Right Click.?
Typically, a blog owner will use this function to prevent other people take what is in their blog. Their sentences were not happy either copied or to avoid bandwidth used up. Usual reason that I always read that there are people who copy their articles

Here is a simple way to use this function.

1. Copy this code.
<script language=JavaScript>
//edit by unwanted

var message="Your Message Here";
function clickIE4(){
if (event.button==2){
return false;
function clickNS4(e){
if (document.layers||document.getElementById&&!document.all){
if (e.which==2||e.which==3){
return false;
if (document.layers){
else if (document.all&&!document.getElementById){
document.oncontextmenu=new Function("alert(message);return false")
// -->

2. Paste in "HTML / javascript" in your blog.

3. Save and view its effect on your blog

Tutorial Image Magnify

Magnify image is one of the distinctive impression that use of the images posted in the entry for mencantikkan sesebuah It was more unique and make Siwak ² compared to see another picture.

Sample images are applied to magnify this image may be found below

Here is a tutorial to magnify this image.

1) Copy the code below and place it in HTML / javascript in your blog.
(The dashboard> layout> add page element> HTML / javascript)
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="http://www.yourjavascript.com/610310434009/unwanted86.blogspot.com.js" type="text/javascript">

2) Then, Save the code

Next, is the code you need to put together with the url you want to post pictures in the blog .. (just need to put the code base once. Code is required to make under the effect of the picture.)
<img src="url files here" class="magnify" data-magnifyby="2" style="width:200px; height:150px cursor: url(magnify.cur), -moz-zoom-in; " />
  • url files here: Enter the picture url.
  • 2: Scale expansion. Depending on the width and height. Values ​​greater than 1 will enlarge the picture, a value of less than one will reduce the picture examples 0.5
  • 200: Enter the width of the picture that you think is appropriate
  • 150: Add high-image that you feel appropriate

Whence came the visitors of the blog? Web Search, Images or Mobile

ou can tell where it comes from visits your blog and thus measure their organic search results in Google to see whether the origin of the visits are searches of web, image search or mobile. Moreover, you can know your position in the search results of Google for each keyword or keywords used in searches. And use filters to show only the words that generate more visitors to your blog.

Tool Tips for Webmasters

All this is done with the Webmaster Tools page into the Google search queries. The functioning of this page is very simple you click the filters and choose which you want to use filters to refine the results to better understand the origin of the visits and make better use of information on your blog .

You can even choose which criteria the list of statistics is sorted by clicking on the words: consultation, impressions, clicks, CTR, average position that appear at the beginning of the list just below the graph.

Filters Statistics Keywords

Beyond what we have said above you can still filter the statistics of visits by country, or select to display only the data of word combinations that generated more than 10 visits so enjoy the information on this page to improve your posts understand what issues people seek on your blog. Related Posts with Thumbnails

Ads Place Static on Blogspot

Do you already have an advertising account?.
If so, where do you put your ads that .. (skyscraper)?

Static advertising is placing ads on a fixed position in a blog even if posts have been di'scroll 'down
You scroll somehow they remain in that position. 

How to put a static advertisement is as follows.

1) Copy the code below and place it in HTML / javascript in your blog
(Dashboard> Layout> Page elements> Add a Gadget> HTML / javascript)

If you still do not understand refer to here.

<div style="bottom: 5px; display: scroll; position: fixed; right: 5px;">
Code Ads Here</div>

1.) 5px value can be changed. This value specifies the distance from the bottom and the distance from the right.
2.) Enter the code ads.(make sure the code is to Skyscraper)

How To Make Moving Image (Scrolling Image)

Creating a scrolling image can give differing views presented versus static images. Most of the scrolling image is applied by sesetengah blogs that have listings list in the form of images such as banners or get a tag than other bloggers.

The following example is the scrolling image.

The movement of each image can be changed samada from left to right, bottom to top and vice versa. Besides speed of movement of each image can also be guarded.

Examples of code for scrolling image is as follows.

<marquee direction="left" onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()" scrollamount="2" width="150" height="200">

<a href="link" target="_blank"><img src="url" /></a>
<a href="link" target="_blank"><img src="url" /></a>


Direction of the image: may be exchanged for up, down and right.
Speed ​​of movement of the image: number may be exchanged for another. The higher the value of the rate.
link to be opened: link is about to be opened when the image is clicked.
url image: url image about to be exhibited.

1. If you want to add more pictures, just copy paste the 
<a href="link" target="_blank"><img src="url" /></a>

Links In Blog Colorful (Rainbow Link)

Rainbow link is one trick that is applied to a link within a blog. as long as the mouse cursor is passed on something link, the link will turn into colorful with a specific color.

Click here to see examples of blogs that use a trick colorful this link.

Tutorial to make your blog colorful link is as follows.

1.) Copy the code below.

<script src="https://sites.google.com/site/unwanted86/javascript/rainbowlink.js" type="text/javascript">

2) Open your blog dashboard, then go to layout> page elements> add a gadget

3) Find add HTML / javascript. Then when it is open, paste the code kat situ.

4) Ready and save.

Know Comment On Entry Through Email

See who comments on an entry it is important for a blogger to know whether the response from visitors, or to provide feedback if there were things that were asked by visitors to the owner.

Thus, there is a simple way for bloggers to find out whether the entry you just commented on by someone, and you will know by email.

1) Login to your account, and from the dashboard, click on settings
2) Then click on the comments

3) When the display is open, scroll down until you meet up 'comment notification email. Enter your email address. you can enter more than one email, then save .. ready .. :)

So easy to know when and what entries have the latest comments.

New Links Open When Click On Photo

Click This Picture To See Demo
When uploading images using the same methods available by blogger.com, by default the file will be opened on the same page.

There were times when it is great when referring to the same blog, but less good when a blogger to refer to other places. because when open on the same page, visitors had to press the back button to return to the original blog.

This tutorial will explain how to make the image with a link will open in a new tab when clicked.

Do not be surprised if the tutorial is very easy. :)

List Website For Download Free Blog Template

Before changing the template of a blog, what is needed is a template to be changed. A blog owner must knew how to use templates for their blogs.

If you are a blog owner and not yet have a template to be used, you can get a variety of free templates and a wide range deemed appropriate for your blog.

Blog template is the format. Xml (by that make sure if you download the file in a zip / rar, you extract the file first.)

Here are some websites that provide a variety of templates for bloggers free.

How To Change the Blog Template

Change the blog template can change the look of the original blog to look more attractive.
It is common for a blog owner wants his blog to appear attractive compared to the original template.

This tutorial will explain simple ways to change the template of a blog.

Before changing the blog template, make sure you have the required template.

Here are the steps to change the blog template.

1. Login account and then from the dashboard click design -> edit html -> . Click choose file

2. Read the description on the image below.

1. Select the template you've downloaded
2. Click open
3. Click the upload

3. Upon clicking the upload, the following display will go out, click on the 'keep the widget'

4. Once finished you can view your blog.

Backup Template Blog

Template for a blog can be viewed as the backbone of the template store blog for all information relating to the appearance of your blog, blog functions as well as most of the trick to a blog will be done in the template (edit html).

You put the background to, change the color to, put the 'read more' or pape, mainly in the template.
It is therefore necessary for a blogger blog template will backup first before doing any modifications or before changing the new template.
The purpose of backup is to backup template if any change in the code are not to be applied.

Tutorial for the backup template for a blog is as follows.

1) Login as usual. Then click the design and edit html of the dashboard
2) From the layout, click the edit html and you will meet a little below "download full template"
3) click save .. Done. :)